Smoothing the Winter ~ Spring Transition

Happy Spring, and Happy Daylight Savings Time! Turning the clocks ahead is one of the best events of the year, in my book — I just love the longer, lighter evenings and the promise that spring really is coming.

In that erratic, New England way, but it’s coming. As I write this, it’s April 1, the front yards in my neighborhood are practically carpeted with crocuses, and it’s snowing. Need I say more?

I’ve been feeling a bit erratic myself — both more energetic and a bit more impatient. Which makes sense, actually. From a Chinese medicine point of view, our bodies are little microcosms of the world around us. In early spring, energy that’s been dormant all winter starts to move, but hasn’t had a chance yet to burst forth.

It’s common for people to feel lighter and more optimistic this time of year, but it’s also common to feel really cranky or discouraged. (For all we know, the tulips are feeling the very same way as they wait to come out.) If this is happening for you, don’t worry, it’s just the change of seasons.

What to do?

Here are some suggestions for moving through the slower winter energy and into the exuberance of spring!

Do Some Spring Cleaning
. I’ve been having this crazy urge to de-clutter and organize. Suddenly it seems very important, and satisfying, to buy new storage bins and get everything in order, and ditch the stuff I’m not using. There’s a reason there’s an age-old tradition of spring cleaning — it moves all the energy that’s stuck in the clutter, and makes room for the movement and growth of spring. I highly recommend it, if the mood strikes.

Up Your Exercise. There’s more energy available this time of year, and it’s a good time to move from gentler exercise into something more vigorous. If you’re feeling tired or resistant, it’s more likely right now that it’s due to your energy being stuck, rather than depleted. Push yourself a little to do some aerobic movement — you’ll probably feel more energetic and happier.

Look For Where You’re Stuck. Often if our energy is low, there’s something in our lives or hearts that is blocking it. Take a minute to get quiet, and go inside and ask yourself, what’s getting in the way? Be willing to be surprised. Some things you might find: decisions or changes that need to be made; conversations you’re avoiding; people or activities you’re done with and need to let go.

And while you’re inside, ask yourself what kind of support or help you need to clear those things away. It’s usually not a small task to make changes like these, and you deserve some patience and assistance.

Eat Lighter: In the winter we crave, and need, heavier foods like proteins and starches. In the spring, these foods can literally clog our energy flow. Try adding more vegetables, fruits and whole grains, and avoid dairy and fried foods. You’ll feel lighter and more energetic. Eating just a little bit less also helps keep things open and moving.

Do Something New, Different, Fun, or Funny: Having fun and laughing are, quite seriously, the very best things you can do to get energy moving. A new activity or new place does even more to get you out of a winter rut. Make this a strict appointment in your schedule, just like a medical appointment. You’ll get just as much out of it.

Have a Seasonal Acupuncture Tune-Up. I highly recommend this, especially if you’re having a hard time with irritability, muscle tension, or erratic energy levels. The winter to spring transition can be the roughest of the year (because of that “stuck” dynamic) and an acupuncture treatment can help get your energy moving and bring you more in tune with the changing season. Let me know if you’d like some help with this.